Recipe: Potato Leek Soup



Prep/Cook Time:
30 minutes/30 minutes

6 Servings



This is a very versatile soup — brunch, lunch or dinner. Swap out a few items and this can also be an option for your vegan guests.



  • 2 medium leeks

  • 3 Tbsp butter (or vegan substitute)

  • 1.5 lbs of potatoes (I use a yukon/yellow)

  • 5.5 cups of chicken stock (or vegetable)

  • 3-4 stems each of parsley and thyme

  • 2 bay leaves

  • Salt and pepper, to taste

  • 1/3 cup heavy cream (or any nut/oat milk)

  • Chives for optional chive oil garnish


  1. Trim and discard the green tops and root ends of the leeks. Halve the leeks lengthwise and swish the stalks thoroughly in cold water to remove dirt and sand. You can also rinse the stalks under running water.

  2. Drain the leeks, dry with a paper towel, and slice into thin, even strips.

  3. Melt the butter in a large pan over medium heat. Add the leeks and sauté them until tender, but not browned. This should take about 4 minutes.

  4. Add the potatoes, chicken stock, herbs, salt, and pepper, and bring the soup to a simmer. Hack: tie the herbs together with kitchen string, so you aren’t fishing for them later when removing.

  5. Cook the soup for 25 to 30 minutes, until the vegetables are very tender. To check the potatoes, poke one with a paring knife: If the knife cuts through with little resistance, you can take the pan off the heat.

  6. Using a blender, food processor, or immersion blender, puree the soup until smooth and silky. Do this in small batches, to avoid splatters and burns.

  7. Carefully transfer the hot potato and leek soup back to the saucepan and stir in the heavy cream.

  8. Gently heat the soup—avoid boiling it as high temperatures could curdle the cream.

  9. Add chopped bacon on top (optional)

Bonus Chive Oil! Take a handful of chives and place in a small food precessor and pack with olive oil. Process/blend completely and then filter through a fine mesh sieve into a bowl. Then drizzle onto your soup.


Recipe: Strawberry Daiquiri


Don’t Forget Your Vegan Friends