(Don’t) Mock It.

It’s that time of year for resolutions, focusing on health or just switching things up. And it is no different when it comes to the world of cocktails. Drinks labeled as non-alcoholic, 0 ABV, mocktails or whatever you want to call them have come a long way. Back in the day, someone that didn’t want to drink for whatever reason, had to either have water, soda, tea or if at a bar — a crappy O’Doul’s or a glass of tonic or club soda with a citrus wedge in there to “fit in”.

Now there is way more attention paid to the teetotalers out there with more interesting options from current and new brands as well as your local bartender probably having something up their sleeve (some even focus on them specifically as part of their bar program; see Yellowbelly here in the STL). And as you decide on what to enjoy in your home amid month eleven of quarantine, there’s everything from beer to non-alcoholic spirits like Seedlip or just an interesting combination of juices and simple syrups.


There are a ton of non-alcoholic beers out there now. I am not a huge beer guy, so this is not in my wheelhouse. But these are not an afterthought anymore. They have specifically been developed for better taste and are available in more variety. It just isn’t about Brand X NA, but flavor profiles that satisfy an IPA or a Stout lover. For this post I wanted to try one, so I bought the Heavenly Body Golden Wheat from WellBeing Brewing (a former co-worker of mine started it). And wow...so good. Felt like I was drinking just a regular beer. 

And if you just really don’t like the taste of beer (alcoholic or not), or don’t want to buy an expensive non-alcoholic spirit, there are many combinations of delicious ingredients you can put together to make something special. 

First the super easy swap out — tonic water. For many non-whiskey cocktails, and many of mine on this site, you can simply swap out the booze for tonic water. And I favor the brand, Fever-Tree. They have a ton of options and taste really good. And they come in a cool tiny bottle. My favorites are Premium Indian Tonic Water (for the basics), their Ginger Beer and the Sparkling Pink Grapefruit (which may be one of my favorite ingredients out there.) Check them all out here. Just remember when using tonic or anything bubbly, do NOT shake it in your shaker. A mess. 

Ginger beer (mentioned above) is a great go-to for me to mix with a lemonade or cranberry juice that feels like you’re doing something a little extra. 

There is also Hella Bitters & Soda. I discovered these at Whole Foods randomly as I was strolling the aisles looking to add something new to my pandemic grocery shopping. You can find them at Total Wine, Amazon, Wal-Mart or other national grocery chains. You can drink it by itself if you like, but I tend to add it in as a topper to something else. It has some bite (the bitters), again, without the booze.

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And then there is the use of simple syrups to add some excitement and different flavor profiles. For a little more on the basics of simple syrup, you can check out my blog post, “Simple Syrups are…Simple." And just think of some flavor combinations you may like. Rosemary simple and lemonade. Mint simple and watermelon juice. Thyme simple and grapefruit juice. Even make simple syrups out of your favorite tea!

How about a couple bonus things to take your mocktail over the top? Use a garnish. And if I have to say it a million times I will...use interesting glassware. Don’t use your Tuesday dinner water glass. 

You or your friend could be celebrating Dry January or just trying to slow your roll on drinking — but try some of the above. You can do better than a Diet Coke or a LaCroix.


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